
Mainstream teacher looking for a new challenge? A career in SEN could be the answer.

Updated 03/01/2024

As we enter into another new year, feeling the desire to take on a new challenge isn’t uncommon – and it’s a feeling that shouldn’t be ignored for too long. Staying in a job that no longer rewards, inspires or motivates can lead to poor performance, lack of confidence and even depression.

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According to the Learning & Work Institute, over a third of adults (34%) are looking to change job or career in the next two years. However, the survey also revealed that over two thirds (69%) of the people looking to switch say they will need to develop their skills to do so.

This can be an overwhelming prospect, particularly in today’s society when there’s widespread financial uncertainty and the vast majority of us are time-poor. Committing to upskilling – whether that’s instead of or around working – simply isn’t realistic for most.

When you consider all of these factors, it’s no wonder that SEND teaching is a popular choice for both experienced and newly qualified mainstream teachers.

If you already have Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) , there’s usually very little extra training required to transition to SEN, as the majority of education focused courses cover a comprehensive SEN module as part of the qualification criteria. Plus, it’s an incredibly rewarding option – particularly for those who already have a natural passion and talent for helping children thrive.

There are also the added benefits of smaller class sizes, more flexible curriculums and often shorter working days to allow teachers to tailor their approach to each individual child and their specific educational needs.

In terms of career progression and salary expectations, The Teacher’s Union Pay Award Bulletin states that there’s an uplift in pay for SEN teachers, ranging from an extra £2,384 to £4,703 from September 2022 to August 2023.

Of course, mainstream teachers make an incredible impact on students but when working in a SEN setting, there’s the opportunity to completely change the life of a child and offer invaluable support to their family and loved ones.

If you’re looking for a new challenge, SEN could be the perfect choice for you. If you are considering making the switch from Mainstream to SEN, here are some considerations to help you decide if it's the right move for you - click here for more info.

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