
Back to School: Tips for Teachers in 2022

Essential tips for teaching in 2022

The start of the new year can make you feel a bit overwhelmed after your break, but don't worry, this blog post is here to help with some tips on how to get back into teaching mode. We'll discuss what you can do in the first few weeks back at school and during the winter months when it's harder to motivate students.

Make sure to check our last blog on Back to School Tips for Special Education Teachers.

Time to get back to teaching!

It's time to get back into the swing of things, especially for teachers. The holidays are over, and it is time to return after a long break from the daily rigours that come with teaching kiddos! Here at Senploy, we want you to be prepared for what the term may bring and have some tips about how best to get back into teaching.

Teachers and students will ease back into the school environment

One thing to keep in mind when heading back is that everyone, students and teachers alike, are probably feeling a little rusty after having some time off. Therefore, it is best not to expect too much from either party and take things slowly at first. Then, ease back into teaching by recapping over previously taught topics and add a few things that you know your class like to do – get the children onside from the outset!

Also, keep in mind what special education students need after having some time off from school! Many of them will be feeling a bit out of sorts too, so it is essential to start easy and gradually work your way up. On the other hand, don't expect the students to be as excited and refreshed as you are after a break, so keep that in mind when planning activities for them!

Before school starts in 2022, make sure you do the following:

  • Organise your materials and classroom. Make sure you have everything you need and that it's all in a convenient place. This will help reduce stress on the first day of school or each Monday.
  • Set up a routine for yourself. This could involve setting specific times for markeing or planning lessons. Having a routine will help you stay on track and be more productive.
  • Meet with your colleagues. This can be a great way to get ideas and share strategies. You can also collaborate on projects or plan joint activities for your classes.

Tips for teaching over the winter months

  • Take advantage of the colder weather. It may be a bit harder to motivate your students during the winter and engage them in the lesson. However, you can incorporate some fun activities that get everyone moving! Encourage football, netball, and other activities in the playground, or set challenges, games and puzzles during indoor playtime.
  • Keep an eye out for any signs of cabin fever from your students. This can be particularly common in younger kids who may not have the ability to express their feelings. You might notice that they are less engaged or more fidgety than usual, so try talking to them about what's going on and find out how you can help.
  • Suggest that your students keep a diary, and this could be a class focused activity. This can be an excellent way for students to express themselves, since writing tends to be calming and provides an outlet for emotions. Additionally, journals are also helpful because you might notice some patterns or trends emerging which will enable you to adapt your teaching style accordingly.
  • Keep your own mood positive by planning activities ahead of time if possible. It's always better to be prepared rather than scrambling to find something to do. Additionally, try not to overbook yourself, so you have enough time to rest and recharge during the day.
  • Check out some books if you're struggling with motivation or inspiration for lessons. There are countless resources available that can provide ideas and activities for almost any subject area or age group, so take advantage of them.

We hope these tips help you get back into the swing of things this school year. Teaching can be a challenging but rewarding profession, so don't give up! We wish you all the best in your teaching journey!

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