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During the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, many education and health services were badly disrupted. This meant that children with SEND and disabilities could not easily make the academic, mental and physical progress they wanted, leaving their routines, self-confidence, strategies to cope with anxiety, and ability to express their feelings, in a precarious state. Now, SEN provision and support must fire on all cylinders once again to help these children and young people bridge the gap of what has been lost, and to help get them back on the right track.
The job market is constantly changing. With new job opportunities rising, so does the level of competition to apply to these. Here are some useful tips that will help you find and land that dream job of yours.
Portugal moving to amber list has sparked fear in job security within travel. Already, 34% of hospitality workers have been asked to work shorter hours. All that being said, does the pandemic show us that job security is more important than salary?
Making a career choice is one of the most important choices a person makes in their life. To make the right career choice in 2021, you must reflect on your wants and needs, taking into consideration the company culture, salary, job security and work/life balance.
Should you transfer your child to a local mainstream school? Are there SEN provisions available in your area? Learn more on how you can help a child with special needs move to a new school.
Why should a school be inclusive? Every school is required to have systems in place to identify children with special educational needs and disabilities.