16 Interview Questions for a SEN Teaching Assistant
We have asked the experts and are delighted to provide you with a cohesive (but by no means exhaustive list), of themes and questions that you could be asked in your interview to be a SEN Teaching Assistant.
Safeguarding Interview Questions
- Are you aware of the legal duties you must follow to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people under the age of 18 in schools and colleges? (This information can be found in the Keeping Children Safe in Education guidance issued by the Department for Education)
- If a child was to disclose something to you and asked you to keep it a secret, what action would you take? Similarly, if another member of staff disclosed some information to you, what action would you take?
- What action would you take if you had a concern about a child/parent / another adult?
Behavioural Interview Questions
- How would you help a child that was showing signs of being distressed?
- What de-escalation strategies could you use to deal with challenging behaviour in the classroom?
- If a pupil was agitated and distracting others during a lesson, what action would you take?
- How would you engage a child that isn't focused and lacks concentration?
- If you were to walk into a reception aged class, what are you likely to see?
- How would you support non-verbal learners?
Being a SEN Teaching Assistant Interview Questions
- What do you think the role of the SEN Teaching Assistant involves?
- How will your skills/experience/attitude, benefit the learners that you support?
- What qualities would make you a successful SEN Teaching Assistant?
- How will you adapt your approach to meet the differing needs of your students?
- Working with children can be challenging; what would you do to ensure your resilience in the role of SEN Teaching Assistant?
- How would you support the SEN Teacher?
- Where do you see yourself in 5 years' time?
We hope you find this useful and supportive when preparing for an interview. Be sure to check our Best Job Interview Tips in 2022 and the Top 6 Most Important Tips to Secure a Job in Special Education.