

  • 2 Imperial Square, Cheltenham and The Beeches at Bristlington
  • Bristol
  • Gloucestershire
  • GL50 1QB
  • United Kingdom
  • 0333 220 3429
  • (opens in new window)

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About our company

When students are on site we see calm, happy and confident young people who are participating positively and are engaged in their learning. They interact politely with staff and other students and build positive relationships. This means that they make good progress, both academically and socially.

We want the adults in their lives to say that since attending MIAG they are more settled and happier in life in general. They will have grown in maturity and are displaying more positive behaviours. They will have a new outlook on learning and it has given them a purpose so they are more confident and look forward to their time at the centre.

MIAG will have changed their life!