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Why Working in the SEND Industry is so Rewarding

Why Working in the SEND Industry is so Rewarding

If the thought of going to work each morning fills you with dread, or you're finding the ‘daily grind' is leaving you feeling flat and frustrated, it might be time to consider moving to a more fulfilling role.
Studies all over the world have examined what makes people happy at work, and ‘job satisfaction' is nearly always one of the defining factors.
But what is it about a job that makes it satisfying?And how does that apply to roles in the SEND sector?
One report into the subject, cited that social workers, charity administrators and occupational therapists are among the best jobs available because they “help make the world a better place”.
Introducing the UK's First Specialist SEND Job Site

Introducing the UK's First Specialist SEND Job Site

If you've found us, you're probably in the process of searching for, or recruiting for, a job in the SEND sector. If so, you've come to the right place.

We're the UK's first website dedicated to introducing special educational needs and disability employers to talented industry professionals.

Our story began in 2018, when our founder Amy Allen was working for Seashell Trust, a national charity dedicated to providing a creative, happy and secure environment for children and young people with complex and severe learning disabilities.

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